Students learn about a range of college and career options—and the education requirements linked to careers of interest—through a sequence of developmentally appropriate activities.
A strategic and systematic approach to providing individualized career and academic advising to students along a continuum where networks of educators collaborate to provide students with the relationships, resources, and skills that contribute to their education and career goals.
The growing importance of postsecondary education and career relevance in education make advising and counseling key strategies for helping students navigate education and career options.
K-12 and postsecondary students do not always have access to reliable, up-to-date information about college and career options, which limits their ability to make informed choices about their futures.
A developmental approach to advising helps students make more informed, financially sound, and sustainable education and career choices by helping students understand what they are interested in and why, what career opportunities are available in their region, and what skills, education, and training are required to pursue and succeed in careers of interest.
Students progress through a continuum of developmentally appropriate, structured activities that begins in elementary school and continues through high school into postsecondary education and career pathways.
Beginning in 8th grade, all students have—and understand—individualized plans that identify their education and career goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
Educators are equipped with the knowledge, resources, time, and professional development opportunities that enable them to effectively support all students in planning and preparing for college and career success.
Secondary and postsecondary educators, including counselors and advisors, develop and implement a college and career advising continuum, identify student milestones along the continuum and assess students’ progress, and support students in developing and updating individualized plans.
Employers advise on the design of –and participate in—career awareness and exploration activities such as career fairs and mock interviews.
Regional conveners support coordination and collaboration among educators, employers, and other advising programs and initiatives.
Workforce development boards support educators in developing strategies for sharing labor marketing information with students and deploy outreach specialists to coordinate advising strategies and activities.
Parents and students access college and career information and advising supports and use what they learn to make informed choices about students’ education and career plans, including enrolling in college and career readiness school models and selecting postsecondary programs of study.
Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
The EAF empowers every student to engage in individual career and academic planning and equips educators with the knowledge, resources, and time to support all students in planning and preparing for postsecondary success. Effective advising leverages internal partners, external partners, and high-quality advising materials and assessments to support the whole child in postsecondary planning and preparation.
Texas Oncourse
Texas OnCourse is designed to ensure that every high school graduate has a plan for college and career. It provides college and career information and resources for students, families, and educators across the state.