Work-based learning (WBL) is practical, hands-on activities or experiences through which a student interacts with industry professionals in a workplace, which may be an in-person, virtual, or simulated setting. Students prepare for employment or advancement along a career pathway by completing purposeful tasks that develop academic, technical, and employability skills.
Work-based learning is a continuum of intentional activities and experiences—such as worksite tours, job shadowing, internships, and apprenticeships – designed to expand the boundaries of the classroom and prepare students for future opportunities. Activities and experiences should begin in middle school and continue through postsecondary education.
Students gain real-world work experience and valuable technical and employability skills while learning about career options.
Employers build a talent pipeline, and many report that they benefit from students’ knowledge of technology, creativity, and innovative ideas.
All students in the pathway participate in a structured, sequenced continuum of work-based learning experiences aligned with the industry focus of the pathway.
Students gain technical and employability skills through work-based learning experiences that are aligned with classroom learning.
Cross-sector partners collaborate using seven principles to guide the design of WBL opportunities. High-quality WBL experiences should: align with career pathways, incorporate meaningful job tasks, identify and validate skills to be gained, reward skills gains and offer compensation, support academic progress and achievement, integrate opportunities to develop professional networks, and incorporate strategies to measure shared progress.
Secondary and postsecondary educators, employers, workforce development boards and regional conveners collaboratively design a sequence of work-based learning experiences.
Secondary and postsecondary educators integrate work-based learning programs into academic and advising structures and prepare students to participate in work-based learning opportunities.
Employers provide opportunities for students to learn and apply skills at the workplace and work with industry professionals.
Workforce development boards manage funding streams that support WBL and support aligning WBL offerings with regional employer talent needs.
Regional conveners manage all logistics, including brokering and aggregating work-based learning opportunities across the region, developing job descriptions, managing student placement, supporting employers in addressing questions related to legal and liability concerns, executing agreements between employers and schools, developing curricula and assessments in partnership with educators and employers, and aggregating and analyzing data to monitor outcomes.
Quality Standards for Work-Based Learning
The Tri-Agency Work-Based Learning Framework outlines shared guidelines for the consistent implementation of high-quality
WBL programs. WBL opportunities must be high-quality and rigorous in order to achieve the primary purpose of aligning the skills and
competencies gained through WBL programs with the talent needs of employers in in-demand, high-growth industries.